PayPal is the most popular platform for sending and receiving online payments. It is the most widely used platform for transferring money online. You can also sell your services or items online and receive payments with help of PayPal. If you are blogger and want to sell your services on your blog then PayPal is best choice for receiving online payments. For selling your services and receiving Payments on your blog directly you can use PayPal buy now buttons. These buttons are the most easiest and simple way of selling items online and receiving Payments. In this tutorial we learn how to add a PayPal buy now button to your blogger blog.
Benefits of adding Buy now buttons to your blog
1. You can sell items like eBooks, softwares, games etc on your blog and receive payments through these buy now buttons.
2. It is very easy to create and add PayPal button to your blog or website.
3. Simple copy & paste of code is required for adding these buttons in blogger.
4. Your customers can buy items on your blog by just clicking on these button.
5. You can easily accept credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal payments through these buttons.
6. You do not need to pay any monthly, set-up, or cancellation fees.
7. Transaction fees while using these buttons is very less.
8. Buyers of the items do not need a PayPal account to pay you.
Note: You can accept payments through these buy now buttons with basic PayPal account. However, to access payments you receive, you need a Premier or Business account.
Part 1: Getting code for PayPal buy now button
Step 1: Go to Paypal buy now buttons page.
Step 2: Click on Create your button now option.
Step 3: Next page will appear, Now you need to customize your buy now button.
Step 4: Select Buy now under Choose a button type option.
Step 5: Enter name of your item under Item name option.
Step 6: Leave the Item Id option empty.
Step 7: Fill price of the item and select currency under Price & Currency options.
Step 8: Leave the Customize button option empty.

Step 9: At the bottom of the page fill your PayPal Id under Email address to receive payments option. This will be your email address for receiving money.

Step 10: Click on Create button option to create your PayPal buy now button.
Step 11: Code for your buy now button will appear, copy that code.

Step 12: Proceed towards second part of the tutorial
Part 2: Adding PayPal buy now button to blogger
Step 1: Login to your blogger dashboard.
Step 2: Select your blog .
Step 3: Select Layout option.
Step 4: In your blog’s layout page select Add a gadget option.
Step 5: Select Html/JavaScript widget option from the list.
Step 6: In the HTML/JavaScript widget paste the code of PayPal buy now button.
Step 7: Save the widget and enjoy.
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